Here’s another release of TI-Boy CE, which mainly has UI improvements and bug fixes. In addition to a restructured ROM list and save state hotkeys, there are various compatibility and performance improvements.
You can download the release from GitHub.
- Save file converter between binary and AppVar formats.
- A launcher icon and description for shells such as Cesium.
- Overlay messages for state saving and loading (can be disabled).
- Hotkeys for quickly selecting the current state slot and saving or loading states.
- Updated ROM list, now integrated into the emulator menu system and sorted alphabetically by title.
- Refactored LCD mode switching and error handling, for smoother transitions between screens.
- Cleaned up the skin image, thanks ndye!
- Fix some cycle counting glitches related to serial port hardware.
- Only trigger a STAT interrupt on LYC write if the value changes. Fixed a graphical glitch in Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters.
- For RETI, count cycles before attempting to schedule an interrupt. Fixed a graphical glitch in Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters.
- Load the ROM again from the beginning after archiving a file. Fixed a game title display glitch if a Garbage Collect occurred.
- Use an asm_data_ptr to track the ROM title. Fixed a game title display glitch if the metadata file is unarchived.
- Refactor JIT flushing logic; force a flush after two cache flushes. Fixed a continuous performance drop in certain scenarios.
- Schedule the initial event one cycle after the loaded state. Prevents state save/load from triggering the same event twice.